L.A. Cetto Zinfandel
Mexican zinfandel, Baja California peninsula
Mexico, Baja California, L.A. Cetto, Zinfandel, Vino Mexicano, 2013
Established in 1928 the winery has expanded greatly over the years under Luis Augustin Cetto. Zinfandel grows so well across the border in USA-California and here it works just as good. L.A. Cetto was a pioneer in the Guadalupe Valley, experimenting where ever possible with grape varieties, bringing wonderful wines from this area. The valley is a stretch of 100 kilometres. All wineries work hard on innovation, terroir driven.
Now in the third generation, Luis Alberto continues the traditions, exporting wines to 27 countries and the awards keep coming in. The wine selection is extensive, including a sparkling wine. The Baja area has been known for hundreds of years for wine growing. After the vineyards were abandoned by the missionaries mid 19th century, around 1904 there was a revival with the arrival of Russians, escaping being drafted into the Czarist army.
Established in 1928 the winery has expanded greatly over the years under Luis Augustin Cetto. Zinfandel grows so well across the border in USA-California and here it works just as good. L.A. Cetto was a pioneer in the Guadalupe Valley, experimenting where ever possible with grape varieties, bringing wonderful wines from this area. The valley is a stretch of 100 kilometres. All wineries work hard on innovation, terroir driven.
Now in the third generation, Luis Alberto continues the traditions, exporting wines to 27 countries and the awards keep coming in. The wine selection is extensive, including a sparkling wine. The Baja area has been known for hundreds of years for wine growing. After the vineyards were abandoned by the missionaries mid 19th century, around 1904 there was a revival with the arrival of Russians, escaping being drafted into the Czarist army.
£ 10.00
Best Served:
16-18 °C
14.0 %
Review Date:
08 . 03 . 2017
Mexico, Baja California, Valle de Guadalupe
Wine specifics
Ready to drink and can keep for a while still. Well balanced, ruby in colour, rich, fruity, hints of spice and pepper. Serving meaty pastas, grills, hard and blue cheeses. Obtained in the UK, online. Cork.
Ready to drink and can keep for a while still. Well balanced, ruby in colour, rich, fruity, hints of spice and pepper. Serving meaty pastas, grills, hard and blue cheeses. Obtained in the UK, online. Cork.
In 1530 the first vines in Mexico were noted near Veracruz. 1597 dates the oldest winery of the Americas, Casa Madero, with native varieties, in the Parras valley. In the 18th Century the Spanish immigrants brought over Grenache, Carignan, etc. to the Parras valley. From here the vines went via the clergy to California and Chile. Mexico has 100.000 acres of vines with only 10% going into wine. The rest is for the grapes itself, raisins and brandy (Pedro Domecq produces 72M bottles per year). Mexicans drink ca. 2 glasses of wine pppy.
Cumbrian Wine Tastings - Lake District Wine Tastings
Cumbrian Wine Tastings - Lake District Wine Tastings
Review Date:
08 . 03 . 2017