Fresh Riesling from Weingut Louis Guntrum, German’s Rheinhessen wine region
Germany, Rheinhessen, Riesling, Louis, Louis Konstantin Guntrum, Qualitätswein, 2016
Louis Guntrum was established in 1648. More than three centuries later the eleventh generation, Louis Konstantin Guntrum, is since 2003 still continuing to make wines with a commitment to artistry, rooted tradition mixed with modern wine making methods and excellence. This wine is a good example as a basic Riesling wine. It is not a vineyard specific version, but regional (Qualitätswein) and soil conditions based on red slate are characteristic for these vineyards.
The current winery dates back to the 8th generation, since 1923 and is situated right on the river Rhine, with a Nierstein address, between the villages of Nierstein and Oppenheim. The main grape varieties for their whites and reds are Sylvaner, Riesling, Gewürztraminer, Cabernet Sauvignon and Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir). Additionally they cultivate early, medium and late ripening, with a mix of mechanical and hand picking of the grapes. The latter applies mainly to the steeper slopes.
Louis Guntrum was established in 1648. More than three centuries later the eleventh generation, Louis Konstantin Guntrum, is since 2003 still continuing to make wines with a commitment to artistry, rooted tradition mixed with modern wine making methods and excellence. This wine is a good example as a basic Riesling wine. It is not a vineyard specific version, but regional (Qualitätswein) and soil conditions based on red slate are characteristic for these vineyards.
The current winery dates back to the 8th generation, since 1923 and is situated right on the river Rhine, with a Nierstein address, between the villages of Nierstein and Oppenheim. The main grape varieties for their whites and reds are Sylvaner, Riesling, Gewürztraminer, Cabernet Sauvignon and Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir). Additionally they cultivate early, medium and late ripening, with a mix of mechanical and hand picking of the grapes. The latter applies mainly to the steeper slopes.
£ 7.50
Best Served:
10-12 °C
11.0 %
Review Date:
06 . 03 . 2019
Germany, Rheinhessen
Wine specifics
Ready to drink. Fresh, balanced, fruity, medium sweet, hints of peach, apricot, pear. Serving starters, fish dishes, spicey dishes, white meats, salads, aperitif, on its own. Obtained in the UK. Screwtop.
Ready to drink. Fresh, balanced, fruity, medium sweet, hints of peach, apricot, pear. Serving starters, fish dishes, spicey dishes, white meats, salads, aperitif, on its own. Obtained in the UK. Screwtop.
Their vineyards are called Niersteiner Pettenthal, Niersteiner Oelberg, Niersteiner Hipping, Oppenheimer Sackträger and Oppenheimer Schützenhütte, each with a long history and are well respected sites. Guntrum make various vineyard specific wine versions. In February 1945, during World War II, US General Patton occupied the winery and the family mansion, having crossed the Rhine River directly at the Louis Guntrum estate. Rheinhessen is coming to the forefront as a wine region, competing with other German regions on quality and value. A ‘sleepy’ region that has been re-energised by the younger generation of wine makers, moving away from the ‘old-fashioned’ Liebfraumilch and Gutes Domtal.
Review Date:
06 . 03 . 2019