19 Sep 2019

My annual wine search in France

My annual wine search in France continued, also this year 2019. It was slightly cut short this time, but there were still opportunities to get some wines ‘in’.

Most of the releases were from 2018, with some exceptions. Being more south this time, it was an opportunity to see more wines from around the Carcassonne area, to mention one. Cabardes and Madiran are ones to store for a little while and then we can try them in due course.

Furthermore stocked up with Rasteau, Cahors, Laudun, Costieres de Nimes, Coteaux Bourguignon and some Chianti. Yes, Italian wine looked lost on the shelf, but worth a try, 2015 vintage.

We had to travel through the Netherlands back to the UK, taking the ferry from Europoort. Picked up several boxes of the Italian , Veneto wine, Gran Passione. Something to look forward to and enjoy with our dinners!

Some of these wines will be reviewed in due course, such as the Laudun and the Cabardes. All the others have mostly been reviewed on my site under recommendations , with hundreds of wine reviews.

For me it is always a consideration to include some of these wines in the private wine tastings that I get asked to do. This does obviously depend on the personal requests. The theme for the evening can be a different region and/or country.