Cabernet Sauvignon
Bulgarian Cabernet Sauvignon was at one time value for money and now it is coming back!
Bulgaria, Vineyards World Wines, Cabernet Sauvignon, 2013
Following a long and uncertain political period the Bulgarian wine production is slowly getting there, setting their standards in a similar way to Italy, for regions and wines. Vineyards World Wines is produced by Domaine Boyar, central east Bulgaria, with their main winery in Sliven.
Domaine Boyar was in 1991 the first private wine company founded after the fall of the communist regime. It is now one of the main producers and exporters in Bulgaria. This southern area is the Thracian Lowlands, one of the two regional zones recognised in the EU wine laws, with the other area in the north called the Danubian Plain.
Following a long and uncertain political period the Bulgarian wine production is slowly getting there, setting their standards in a similar way to Italy, for regions and wines. Vineyards World Wines is produced by Domaine Boyar, central east Bulgaria, with their main winery in Sliven.
Domaine Boyar was in 1991 the first private wine company founded after the fall of the communist regime. It is now one of the main producers and exporters in Bulgaria. This southern area is the Thracian Lowlands, one of the two regional zones recognised in the EU wine laws, with the other area in the north called the Danubian Plain.
£ 5.00
Best Served:
16-18 °C
12.0 %
Review Date:
09 . 07 . 2015
Wine specifics
Ready to drink. Young, juicy, medium-bodied, touch of spice. Serving grilled meats, mature cheeses or just on its own. This particular wine is bottled for a UK supermarket. Obtained in the UK. Screwtop.
Ready to drink. Young, juicy, medium-bodied, touch of spice. Serving grilled meats, mature cheeses or just on its own. This particular wine is bottled for a UK supermarket. Obtained in the UK. Screwtop.
At one time the Bulgarians supplied the Soviet Union, ‘pumping out a river of every day wine’. Now, with international influences, the quality is on the up and still value for money. Domaine Boyar is an example of that, exporting 80% of its wines around the world, in some cases specifically to a certain distributor or market. Their portfolio is a sizeable one, from table wines to exclusive varieties. Red wine dominates the country’s production, but whites can be found, especially the closer you get to the Black Sea.
Review Date:
09 . 07 . 2015